Irijah McDowell is a Nutripath, Holistic Health Coach & owner of Nature of Health in Asheville, NC. He specializes in identifying the body's nutritional needs & helping to orient individuals in how to listen to their body. He is passionate about teaching how to apply holistic habits to live in a healthy way.

Irijah graduated as a Nutripath in 2006 with a 5 year degree in European Biological Medicine from the American College of Nutripathy. He is trained in Live Blood Cell Microscopy, Holistic Health & is a Certified Biofeedback Technician. In addition to his years of work as a Nutripath, he started offering Holistic Health Coaching in January of 2022 & enjoys empowering people with holistic principles to bring more health & vitality to their lives. Irijah has taught many classes & workshops on how to build better habits & the holistic approach to living healthy.

I enjoy helping people get into their bodies to release tensions & distractions in order to be more focused in the present moment. I enjoy being community oriented by participating in & producing local events. I am passionate about teaching people how to listen to the body & to nature on a deeper level.

"I truly believe in the innate & adaptive self-healing power of the human body when we are in a symbiotic relationship with nature!"

           "Nature is our greatest healer!" 🤍

Irijah McDowell is a Nutripath, Holistic Health Coach, Microscopist & Biofeedback Technician.

He is Not a Medical Doctor (MD), (PhD), or Physician and does not portray himself to be so. He does not practice allopathic medicine. He does Not prescribe, diagnose or treat any person or disease.

The biofeedback and live blood cell testing provided by the attending professional (Irijah McDowell) are not a medical test as provided by the American medical association. They are strictly non-invasive natural approaches. As an attending wellness consultant he is not practicing medicine and performs his services within the parameters of natural wellness and holistic self-healing approaches.

"I do not offer or prescribe or give any advice for pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, chemical stimulants, radiation therapy, or any other conventional medical treatments or medications." "In addition I will not diagnose, treat or otherwise prescribe for anyone's disease, conditions, or illnesses."
It is always recommended to seek professional advice from a medical doctor when needed.

His services are observations of tendencies intended to bring awareness to wellness and lifestyle stress parameters. All evaluations and suggestions are for the client's consideration and integration as they see fit.
Thank you!
Irijah McDowell